406 43rd Street West, Bradenton FL 34209 USA

Course Overview

This Learning-Doc will discuss the common maintenance activities associated with the generator seal oil system, the stator cooling water system, and the hydrogen system components as found on the (GE) Large Steam Turbine Generators.  Discussion, where applicable, will include disassembly, inspection routines, common repair activities, re-assembly (and flushing where applicable).

 Learning-Doc Objectives:

Stator Cooling Water:

  • Describe the function of the (GE) Stator Cooling Water System as well the names and functions of the major stator cooling water system components.
  • Describe the disassembly, inspection and maintenance activities commonly performed on stator cooling water system.
  • List and describe defects commonly found during a stator cooling water inspection.

 Seal Oil:

  • Describe the function of the (GE) Seal Oil System as well the names and functions of the major system components.
  • Describe the disassembly, inspection and repair procedures commonly performed on the seal oil system.
  • List and describe defects commonly found during a seal oil system inspection.

 H2 System:

  • Describe the function of the Hydrogen System.
  • List and describe defects commonly found during a hydrogen system inspection.

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